Saturday, 26 February 2011

Why SEO is important for your web site

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a website to achieve top search engine rankings, increase traffic, and ultimately lead to sales. With billions of pages on the internet and only ten spots on the first page search results on Google, a well-optimized website is crucial in order to be found.When choosing an SEO (Search Engine Optimizer), be wary of ones that only speak of high ranking on search engines. The goal of a website is to make sales and bring in profit. If your website ranks high for the wrong keywords, it will not provide the traffic you want.My Office Helper focuses its SEO services to make sure your site ranks well for the keywords that will bring in targeted traffic.
What is SEO? It is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. What exactly does SEO do? It is the method of analyzing and constructing individual web pages, as well as entire sites, so that they can be discovered, analyzed, and then indexed by various search engines.              

SEO can make the content of your web pages more relevant, more attractive, and more easily read by search engines and their crawling and indexing software.Why would this be of great importance to you? Would it be important to you if customers were unable to find your telephone number or find the address of your business? I do not think that many businesses could survive for very long in this situation.This situation could apply to a web site. Can potential customers locate your current web site easily? Traffic to your web site could be extremely low. Potential customers might not even know that your site exists.                 

"Wait a minute!" you say. "We have a beautiful web site, and we include the web site address in all advertising campaigns. Why would people be unable to find our site?"Of course, your current customers and persons already acquainted with your business would be likely to find your web site without difficulty. Wouldn’t they?                   

Are you absolutely sure that your advertising has reached enough potential customers? Did you consider that some people simply do not read the newspapers? How about people who didn’t get the issue of the magazine where you placed an expensive ad?Did these people hear the WABC radio broadcast when your commercial aired? Were they watching channel 44 during the news hour? Were they on the direct mail list for which you paid thousands of dollars?                  

So how about those search engines that everyone uses? Potential customers will type a word or two into the box, hit ’Enter’, and immediately find a listing for your company’s web site. One more click and you have another visitor. Search engines sure are great, aren’t they?

Why SEO is Important?
Search Engine Optimisation is becoming one of the fastest growing marketing methodologies. As more businesses turn to the Internet to sell their services and products, it becomes very important for them to market themselves properly on the World Wide Web. Let us investigate how SEO can be the turn key factor for marketing your website.

A lot of businesses believe that a mere presence on the Internet is good enough to get more customers. However, the truth is very different. Traditional methods of marketing have depended on hard work of professionals who are champions in formulating strategies, having a solid plan - B and knowing their target markets. While the strategic bases of the traditional methods are similar to that of SEO, the mediums of marketing are very different. Let us discuss about the main differences.Search engine optimization or SEO ?